strada 234 greenway with red public art


A view of the future

The year was 2003 and an early 20th century biscuit factory was nestled right underneath a hideous elevated green highway. The highway was eventually to come down and become the Greenway. We began by creating artwork that was provocative and at the time, very different than what other firms were doing. Industrial chic was the new buzzword and appealing to the adventurous client was our mantra.

strada 234 man with shears and topiaries
strada 234 name description on black
strada 234 logo on black by boston logo design studio
PMS 312
strada 234 312 color
PMS 312-45%
strada 234 312-45 percent color
PMS 3395
strada 234 3395-color
PMS Black
newport one color palette black
merrimack valley golf club fonts
strada 234 logo on white by boston logo designer
strada 234 water pattern
strada 234 black logo on white
strada 234 print brochure open by boston graphic design studio

Strada 234 in Boston’s West End, boasts a rich history dating back to the early 20th century. The building originally served as the Austin Biscuit Company factory, which later became the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company and subsequently the Sunshine Biscuit Company. 

strada234 woman with peach behind gate in garden with trees
strada 234 girl with peach by boston graphic design studio adams design

Instead of talking about the building, we talked about the lifestyle… and introduced the first branding of a building in Boston that was conceptual in nature using people to create an image and a desire.

strada 234 website with woman in hat holding pasta by boston graphic design studio
strada 234 website with man holding watering can by boston graphic design studio







Adams Design
20 Park Plaza
Boston, MA 02116

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